Discover the definitive adventure in the Bardenas RealesThe Bardenas Reales: A natural jewel to explore by the hand of Passion Cote Basque

If you are looking for a unique experience in contact with nature, there is nothing better than coming from Biarritz to the Bardenas and discovering its dream landscapes. And if you also want to live a real adventure, there is nothing like touring the Bardenas desert in a 4×4 with Passion Cote Basque.


The company Passion Cote Basque organizes 4×4 tours through the Bardenas Reales that will take you through the most incredible and challenging landscapes. From the steepest slopes to the most hidden paths, this adventure will take you to discover the best-kept secrets of the Bardenas desert.

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Sendaviva celebrates its 20th anniversary

The adrenaline is back


Sendaviva will celebrate its 20th anniversary from next March 25, the park will recover two of its most exciting attractions, in which the adrenaline rushes are experienced at each launch. The ‘Bobsleigh’ and ‘The Great Zip Line’. Those who visit the park will be able to slide down the hill again overcoming dizzying curves and exciting slopes or fly over, alone or in company, the park traveling more than 650 meters away at more than 70 km/hour.

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Las Bardenas Reales: Una joya natural por explorar

Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra: Una joya natural que no te puedes perder

Si estás buscando un lugar impresionante para tus próximas vacaciones, no busques más allá de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra. Situado en el noreste de España, este increíble paisaje semidesértico es una joya natural que ofrece una experiencia única y memorable.

El parque natural de las Bardenas Reales abarca más de 42.000 hectáreas y está formado por una serie de mesetas, barrancos, cañones y formaciones rocosas erosionadas por el viento y el agua a lo largo de millones de años. Este paisaje surrealista es el hogar de una rica variedad de flora y fauna, incluyendo especies raras y en peligro de extinción. Continue reading “%s”

Cuevas de Bardenas